Speaker Bio: David G. Tepke David G. Tepke, PE, FACI, is a Principal Engineer with SKA Consulting Engineers, Inc., in Charleston, South Carolina, USA with more than 20 years of professional experience in the concrete durability and repair industry. He specializes in structural and materials evaluation, troubleshooting, repair, and service life extension. He is a Fellow of the American Concrete Institute, a NACE/AMPP Certified Corrosion Specialist and Protective Coating Specialist, an ACI Certified Nondestructive Testing Specialist, and an ICRI Certified Concrete Surface Repair Technician (CSRT) Inspector. Tepke is Chair of ACI Committee 222, Corrosion of Metals in Concrete, Chair of the ACI Committee on Codes and Standards Advocacy and Outreach; and Member of Committees 201, Durability of Concrete; 301, Specifications for Concrete Construction; 321, Durability Code; and 329, Performance Criteria for Ready Mixed Concrete. He is a member of ICRI Committees 160, Life Cycle and Sustainability; and 510, Corrosion. David is a licensed professional engineer in a number of states. Presentation Title Historical Advancements in Corrosion Control of Existing Conventionally Reinforced Concrete Structures in the United States Towards a Sustainable and Viable Future Presentation Synopsis After a brief and self-indulgent trip back to the time of Sextus Julius Frontinus (circa […]
$10.00 – $55.00